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Baby Photoshoot: 5 Top Tips To Get The Perfect Snaps!

Taking photos of your new born baby is a rite of passage for all parents, and who can blame you? Getting those shots are priceless, but oftentimes they are not Facebook worthy, let alone frame worthy! Unless they are sleeping like little angels, it is really difficult to get that perfect picture, especially when they are toddlers. Follow these top five tips to getting pictures which will give even the most professional photographers a run for their money.

Have realistic expectations

One of the most important things to do is manage your expectations. The best photos you will take will be candid, and most probably, action shots. Forget about those perfect images you have in your head, as in real life they will be hard to replicate. It also means that if you do get a perfectly posed picture, it is more of a surprise as you won’t expect it!

Plan your location

During a photo session, it is definitely ok to put baby in the corner! By putting your baby and toddler into a corner, they have nowhere to escape to – well at least for a few minutes! That should be enough time for you to take your snaps.


Another important thing to do is to change your shutter speed on your camera. If you have a fast child, then increase your shutter speed. Anything below 1/2000 is likely to make your shots blurry. The experts suggest that if you are taking picture of a toddler use 1/2500, or 1/5000 if your toddler is exceptionally active!

Meet them on their level

Don’t be afraid to get on the floor to take those all-important snaps! Sitting or lying on the ground will give you an entirely new perspective. By taking a moment to view the world from their height, you are bound to get some fabulous shots.

Shake, rattle and roll

Use noise to your advantage! Make a noise, whether that be a rattle or playing peek a boo, behind the camera as this will make your child not look directly at the camera creating a more candid photo.

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