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Home Remedies for Inducing Labor

So, you’re close to the end and ready for your baby to be born? Nearing the 40th week and getting tired of your back hurting, your clothes getting tighter, and you getting less and less sleep? There are still many unknowns when it come to naturally inducing labor; not every woman responds the same to natural induction. However, if you are getting close to your due date and you don’t feel like you are getting close to going into labor, these suggestions are definitely worth a try, and completely safe! However, depending on the position your baby is in, initiating labor can be more difficult. If your baby’s back is facing towards your back, this typically is harder to initiate labor and more painful. This position is known as “back labor” and a lot of the pressure is focused on your back and bowel. Remembering to practice being on all fours (knees and hands on the floor) will encourage your baby to get in the right, most comfortable position: baby’s back facing your belly. If your baby is already in this position and you are in your last week of pregnancy, try the following tips to help encourage labor.







What to Avoid:



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