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Ways To Decorate Your Son’s Nursery

You just found out you’re having a little baby boy, congratulations! Now where do you even begin to start decorating the nursery? You have a few options as far as themes. You can go with a colored theme (blue and orange), a baby show theme (Mickey Mouse), or a book theme (Cat in the Hat). All of these are popular themes, but the color theme is starting to surpass the others! Here are some categories that you can use to help decorate with whichever theme your choose!


Wall Art

Wall art can really tie a room together with the right colors and accents. Wall inspirational quite stickers are on the rise and would go perfect in a baby nursery.

Wall Sticker


Newborn Height and Weight memory frames/pictures are increasingly popular as well. There are so many ways to do this such as; shadow boxes, paintings, printing in frames, and so much more. With these, you can always remember how tiny (or not so tiny) you newborn was!








Measuring height is fun and can help motivate your child to get the right nutrition to grow big and strong! You can find these as wall stickers or you can create them to match your theme. This one can be personalized and it’s $59.99 for measurements to 5 feet tall ($69.99 for 6 feet tall measurements)!


Bedding may seem obvious, just get it to match the theme. However, there are some themes where it is hard to find a matching comforter in your little boy’s colors. For example, if you picked yellow and blue as your theme colors, there might only be yellow, blue, and pink blankets. One way to get around this is to shop at different stores and get grey sheets and a blue blanket. You might be buying from different stores, but you’ll have the nursery you pictured!


Toys can be all over the place, but they should have a designated spot whether that’s a bin, basket, container, or box. There are many ways in incorporate these into your theme, but the main point is to have a space for the many toys you and your family will buy for your little one! Hanging organization is great for small rooms and they come in almost every color. You can get them in blue, green, and pink here!

Stuffed animals are a category of their own. They need their own space because they take up so much! This is the best (and cutest) idea we have come across! Learn how to make one yourself here! If you aren’t so handy, you can buy and personalize them on Etsy for $68!

These also work for sports balls! Perfect for your little man’s room!

Rocking Chairs are nice to have, but not a necessity. You can always have one, just not in the nursery especially if you are tight on space. If you are buying a rocking chair, consider if it creaks or not. Also, make sure it is comfy for you to sleep in! Your little man isn’t the only one who will be sleeping in there!


While all of these aspects to a nursery are important, the most important factor to consider is the atmosphere of the room. It should be colorful, homey, and something you are proud of. After all, you will be spending a lot of time in there!







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