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Why Do Babies Spit Up

Firstly, it is important to remember that it is completely normal for a baby to spit up, especially if they are just getting the hang of feeding. Spitting up, or reflux, is most common in babies around 4 months old, and is the result of your little one swallowing air along with their milk.

The air gets trapped in the milk and when the air comes up, so does the milk! As babies need a lot of nourishment in order to develop and grow, and some babies love to eat, they can sometimes become overfilled and this leads to them spitting up more often.

Also, your little one’s digestive system is not fully developed at birth, and the muscles at the bottom of their oesophagus which control whether food is coming or going are not always quite up to speed.

So what can you do to help your little one keep their food down? Here are our top tips for helping prevent your baby from spitting up.

It is very common for babies to spit up and this usually lasts until their muscles are more developed meaning they are able to keep food in their bellies. There are no set time limit on which to expect your little one to stop spitting up, some babies stop at around seven months, whilst others will continue to spit up until they are one.

If you do become worried about your little one, I.e if they are spitting up and losing weight, then seek advice from your paediatrician who will be able to advise you on the best treatments.

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