Motherhood of Necessity
As Evan and MacKenzie’s first child, Kate, joined them in August of 2014 they were ready for her to reinvent their world. They knew that her presence would mean their hearts would no longer be within them, but instead be walking within their child. However, what they weren’t prepared for (and what no parent will likely ever be truly ready is!) was the way Kate would completely reshape their new sense of “normal.”
Every parent knows the feeling of your baby crying. Finding a way to keep them happy becomes a journey all of its own because unless you find a way to keep your child happy, neither will anybody else! Early on in raising Kate they encountered problems they desperately wanted to solve:
- How to keep her from crying when she couldn’t find her pacifier during a nap
- How to keep her favorite toys nearby to prevent her from getting upset after dropping them
- How to make it easy to grab all of the little things as they rushed out the door to get somewhere (hopefully) on time
- And finally, how to make it easier for her to say goodbye to her pacifier when the time came!
An Idea was Born
Snuggin was born while trying to find a solution to the problems mentioned above but that’s only where the story begins!
Evan had a background in IT and MacKenzie taught Adapted PE to children with disabilities in the suburbs of Washington DC. Neither of them knew where to look to start down this journey but Evan’s thirst for understanding how things work and MacKenzie’s perseverance was enough to lead them down the right path.
In the beginning it seemed daunting as they had to figure out how to find a manufacturer to transform their vision into a reality, how to file patents and trademarks, how to develop a brand, and many other hurdles involved with bringing their product to market. The challenge kept them pushing forward though and they loved that they were able to involve their own inspiration (Kate) and many other steps along the way.
Today Evan, MacKenzie, and Kate continue to work hard to make Snuggin a household name for babies, parents, and grandparents! Snuggin is 100% BPA-free and ASTM F963 safety tested because keeping your baby safe is just as important as keeping them happy! They hope you will enjoy making Snuggin a part of your family and when the time comes to retire Snuggin, keep it hidden away somewhere to keep as a treasure you’ll find later in life to remember how precious life was (and continues to be)!