First of all, how much sleep does your baby need?
Now based on that chart, you can see how much sleep is needed throughout the day, not necessarily just at night. Now how do we get them to sleep that much and start sleeping regularly through the night? Well, we have some tips for you!
- Sleep Associations: Settle your baby into different sleep associations. For example, ricking your baby to sleep with white noise will get them used to other noise while they sleep. Eventually your little one will be able to fall asleep with just the white noise.
- Bed Rituals: Bedtime patterns allow your baby to get used to what will happen leading up to bedtime. She will understand that certain things happen before bed. This could look like; playing, bath, bottle, then bed.
- Wear ’em Out!: Make the most of the day where your child is very active. Not only should your child be physically active, but clustering meals can have an affect on how long they sleep. Eating more during the day can help with the need to wake up to eat at night.
- Naps: Setting a nap routine is important around 3-4 months. This is when she will learn daytime nap routines with structure. Your baby will be able to sleep better through the night with structured naps. You can have your own structured nap times too!
- Consider a Dummy: No, not a real dummy, but a pacifier. Babies use them as a soother when they are little, but then don’t need to rely on them as much as they get older.
- Sleepwear: Some babies get allergic reactions to clothes or detergents. Not only do you have to look for allergic reactions, but she could also just not like sleeping in certain clothes.
- Stay Flexible: This will take a little while for your baby to get used to. And of course your baby might not want to nap right when you want her to. These will take time and adjustments!
Don’t worry, you’ve got this!
For any of these tips, consult your doctor about it first.