Adding a baby to the family is tough on parents, but also on the older sibling. Making your first child feel loved is just as important as tending to all the needs of your newborn.
Snuggin is here to help you make that transition as easy as possible! Here are some ideas to help you get your little one prepared for your newborn!
Warning: Telling your toddler that “Mommy is going to be holding the baby a lot” lets them know that you need that time with your newborn. Telling them frequently helps your older child get a better understanding of how much time you will need with your infant.
Showing Them Books: Reading books with stories about becoming an older sibling. There are many different types of stories so observe your child’s reactions when you talk about the new baby. There are some storylines of “The older child hated her younger sibling, she was mean to him, older child learns to love new baby.” Then other ones are “Having a new baby brother is great, I play with him all the time and I can’t wait to help mommy with him.” Just check your child’s attitude toward their baby sibling, they will let you know how they feel!
One book with a not so great attitude toward a new baby would be Once Upon A Baby Brother. This book explains to the older sibling that everything will be just fine.
A book with a great attitude toward a new sibling is I’m a Big Sister. This talks about all the things that make being a big sister great! There is also one for big brothers, I’m a Big Brother.
Tell Your Newborn To Wait: Sometimes your older child needs to know they are important too! One way to show them their importance is to tell your newborn that you have to put him down so you can snuggle up with your toddler. This shows your toddler you make special times for them, too!
Special Gift: Bringing a special toy for your newborn to “give” to your older child and one for your colder child to give to your newborn will show them that the one they have to share mommy and daddy’s attention with isn’t all that bad!
Congrats Big Brother/Sister!: Making sure family members and friends congratulate your oldest on being a big brother or sister is important. It makes your oldest feel like they are a part of all the excitement.
Remember to breathe! It will all be alright, and if it’s not, there’s always the next day to try again!