Christmastime is the most wonderful time of the year! The magic starts at Thanksgiving, with the celebrations, the parades and the family time and gathers pace, cumulating in December 25th. Your child’s first Christmas is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and here are our top tips and ideas for creating everlasting family traditions, capturing the moments on camera, and stress-free travelling.
Make your baby the star of the Holiday Card
Holiday cards are the perfect excuse to show friends and family how adorable your baby is. You can either stage a festive photo or use one of your favorite family snaps from the year gone by.
There are a number of online services that allow you to upload personal photos to cards, so we recommend you take advantage of those and start the tradition of the family photo holiday card!
Get the Christmas themed pyjamas!
Sure, your baby may only be able to wear these for a few nights/mornings and for this one year only until they outgrow them, but being able to show off your baby in the cutest Christmas pyjamas is surely worth it!

Start your own family traditions
Does your family have some holiday traditions that you love/hate? Well now you have your own family, you can pick and choose the traditions your love from your own experiences.
So what sort of traditions will you start? Will it be the family photo holiday card, an annual games of charades or a kitschy Christmas sweater party?
You could of course start your own family traditions, such as watching a certain movie or visiting a certain place.
Purchase a keepsake tree decoration
Decorating your Christmas tree is a special tradition and a great opportunity to make memories. You should commemorate your baby’s first tree with a personalised ornament that you’ll love putting on your tree every year to come.
Christmas travel tips
You may decide to spend your baby’s first Christmas visiting distant relatives, or at your parents’ house. This means travel, and potentially may also include your baby’s first plane ride.
Don’t weigh yourself down by overpacking diapers and formula, these can all be bought at your destination, and chances are you will be able to do some laundry wherever you are staying. We do recommend however that you pack at least one diaper in your carry on luggage for every hour that you’re travelling, along with plenty of wipes and disposal bags so you don’t get caught short at 25,000 feet!