Alright Mommies and Daddies who are formula feeding their little one, no more searching the Internet for the best gadgets out there for on-the-go formula. We have outlined some of the best products for you so you don’t spend hours searching and reading reviews. So here we go!
- B. Baby Bottle & Formula Dispenser: This bottle is perfect for mommies that always seem to want/need to go somewhere right in the middle of their child’s meal times. All you have to do is put the formula in the bottom compartment, put the bottle on top with water in it, then twist the bottom when you want the formula to dispense! These bottles come in four different colors including pink (shown below), purple, light blue, and green. They cost $19.99 on Amazon with a 3.5 Star rating!
- Baby Brezza Formula Pro: This “baby Keurig” is perfect for any parent who really doesn’t like mixing bottle or who is too busy to think about measuring. You can get this Formula Pro and have up to 20-8 oz bottles ready for “brewing!” These are a little above average on pricing at $144.39 on Amazon, but you get your money’s worth. And it has a solid 4 Star rating!
- GForce Electric Kettle: This Kettle is perfect for any parent who deals with a screaming child while they wait for their bottle to be heated up. This kettle allows you to have one step warm bottle without the hassle of putting the bottle in a cup of warm water. That’s a plus for you and your little baby! These are available for $39.99 in light blue (shown below) and $28.99 for light pink. Not too sure why there is a price difference, but they both hold 2 liters. These have an almost perfect rating with 4.5 Stars!
- Munchkin Formula Separator: If you ever are going somewhere and you need to take a few extra meals for your child, this is for you. You can put one meal in one of the three slots of this container. They are perfect for putting in the diaper bag since they are smaller. Just pop open the lid over one of the slots and pour into the bottle and bam! There you have it! The Formula Separators hold up to 8 oz servings in each compartment. These come in a variety of colors, 2 different sizes, and the lids are interchangeable! The ones shown below are available for $6.99 each under the size “1 Count.” The “2 Count” option comes with an extra bottle that holds up to another 8 oz serving. Not a bad deal for a 4.5 Star rating!
- Beaba Formula and Snack Containers: These stackable containers are also perfect for the on-the-go parent! Each compartment holds three 1.34 ounce (.04 kg) portions of formula. These are great for day adventures when you won’t be home to use your nifty Formula Pro! These sections can be stacked in any order and they have an airtight seal for optimal freshness! With the top ring you can attach it to your diaper bag for an easy reach! These are sold on Giggle and go for $12.00! These are rated 3.5 Stars.
Honestly, who doesn’t love unique things that make our lives as parents easier? Now you can go wherever you want or have a bottle in seconds from your home. Life can’t get much better than that!