Its almost summertime again and there is nothing as important as making sure you and your little one are ready for the sunshine, especially when it comes to protecting your skin! Although, the sun is the best source of vitamin D we have, we also need to try and avoid getting burnt.
The best way of avoiding this is by using sunscreen but some of the commercial branded sunscreens, which are meant to be good for you, aren’t healthy at all. Here are our top 5 natural sunscreen alternatives for you and your baby this summer.
Make Sure Your Baby Eats Well
It is well known that eating foods high in antioxidants and healthy fats can help protect your skin from the sun. In summer, try and introduce colorful fruit and vegetables in your baby’s diet as well as nuts and seeds. These are full of healthy antioxidants which can help to protect your little one’s skin against the sun’s harmful rays.
Seed Oil Sunscreens
Some seed oil sunscreens can be really effective in protecting your little one’s skin against the sun. Probably the best seed oil sunscreen on the market is Red Raspberry Seed Oil. With an SPF of up to 50 and the ability to block out UVB rays, this is really worth trying this summer. For baby, it would be best to use a higher SPF sunscreen than you would use on yourself, as their skin is much more sensitive. Alternatively, you could try Carrot Seed Oil which has an SPF of up to 40.
Although, there is no evidence that it completely blocks out the harmful UVB rays, it may be worth trying. If you are in any doubt about what is best for baby, do contact your paediatrician for advice.
Aloe Vera
We all know the healing properties of Aloe Vera for soothing sunburnt skin, but it is also quite useful at blocking out some sunlight. It doesn’t have an SPF, so be careful using it as sunscreen alone.
Branded Natural Sunscreens
Brands such as Aveeno, have sunscreen specifically aimed at babies and only contain healthy ingredients. These are usually mineral based sunscreens with the main ingredient being Zinc Oxide, which is very effective at blocking out the sun’s rays. If you don’t fancy buying a natural sunscreen, have a go at making one of your own at home, using zinc oxide power and beeswax.
Be Sensible
It goes without saying really, to make sure that you keep baby adequately covered up whilst out in the sun. It is also a good idea to stick to the shade between 12 and 2 when the sun’s rays are at their strongest. It is also important to make sure that baby is well hydrated and that you apply sunscreen at regular intervals throughout the day.