You’ve survived pregnancy, giving birth, and being forced to wake up your newborn to feed him. Now what all do you need to get ready before you leave the hospital?
Cleaning Up Before Shipping Out
Sending home as many things the day before you go home is ideal. Chances are, you’ll have plenty of flowers, balloons, and even some presents people will stop by and give you as they meet your new addition to the family! Your vehicle will already be packed with your hospital bag, diaper bag and your hubby’s overnight bag you won’t have enough room for the extras.
Comfy Clothes
You’ll want to wear your comfy, baggy clothes home. After giving birth, you’ll be sore and wanting to be in lazy clothes. Trust us. You will be so focused on your new, little baby that you won’t even care what you look like!
Stock Up!
Stocking up on sanitary napkins before you get home is helpful. This way you aren’t always having your hubby go get them for you. Not only is that tough on you having to wait for him to get them and come back, that’s tough on him being away from the new little one as well.
Warm Line
A warm line is an extension you can call at the hospital that is specifically for new moms. Before you leave, you should get this number for quick questions. If the nurses don’t have a clue about a warm line, get the direct number to the maternity ward and you can even get the numbers of some nurses. This will take some of the pressure off of you and your spouse to begin with and help you to understand you don’t need to know everything when you’re just starting out.
Ask All You Want
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Nobody knows everything when they leave the hospital. Ask all the questions you may have, especially if this is your first child. There will be many times where you can “learn as you go,” but you might as well ask while you have people there who may know the answers!
Take Your Time
There is absolutely no rush for you to get out of the hospital after giving birth. You are going to still be in pain and/or sore so don’t rush to get out of the room. Make sure you get someone to push you in a wheelchair outside. There is no shame in that!
Going To The Car
Have your spouse bring the car as close to the front door as possible so you aren’t walking far. Also, get your hubby to help (if not take over) with the car seat. They can be harder than you may think, especially trying to click them in. As a side note, keeping the car seat in the middle seat is the safest in case of being hit on the side. It is a little harder to get your little one in and out, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
It can be overwhelming to go from having contractions, driving to the hospital, going through labor, delivering your baby, then trying to adjust to having a (or another) little one. Take these tips to help you prepare for leaving the hospital! You can do it and congrats on your new pride and joy!