Being a new parent isn’t easy. It seems you’re bombarded with advice the second the pregnant belly and momma glow start showing, but who actually pays attention to that when you’re focused on the aches and pains of pregnancy or the what seem like unending countless nights of no sleep with a newborn?
We know how hard it is to decipher what is good advice, from old wives tales. We also know that sometimes you just need valuable resources to trust – that’s why we’re sharing our ‘Top 5 (online) Resources for New & Expecting Parents‘.
The Bump – if you’re looking for other expecting and new parents who are due (or just as green) as you, The Bump is the perfect place. Not only does it provide valuable content on their homepage, you can also join the forums and follow valuable advice from new and expecting parents due the same month as you.
Pinterest -As much as many of us doing want to admit our midnight pin addictions; the reality is Pinterest is actually full of valuable advice. Whatever you may be searching for – Pinterest has an answer. Whether it’s “How to help my newborn fall asleep” or “How to get rid of diaper rash” or even “How to go into labor” – Pinterest is full of ideas, websites, and resources. Just call it the Google of your baby questions.
Ohdeedoh – Looking for tips on how to decorate your expected ones nursery? Or wanting tips on how to transform from nursery to toddler room? Look no further than Apartment Therapy’s ohdeedoh – your resource for baby nursery tips, toddler room tips, and everything beyond.
Kaboose – It’s no anomaly. Your little one has eaten. You’ve changed their diaper. Bathed them. Read them a story. And everything else new parents do. But what do you do now when your baby is still wide awake? Kaboose provides suggestions and ideas to answer just that. Whether you’ve got a 2 day old newborn – a 5 month old infant – or a 1 year old almost toddler – Kaboose is full of ideas and suggestions of how to effectively and beneficially entertain and teach your baby when they are awake! From games as simple as pick-a-boo to crafts for a rambunctious 2 year old – Kaboose has it all!
Snuggin – How could we forget Snuggin! The animal pacifier holder – pacifier holder – baby all-in-one storage unit and more. Truth is – read the reviews for yourself, our amazing animal pacifier holder is not just another Wubbanub – it’s not a pacifier holder – it’s the very thing that helps baby transition from a pacifier – and baby toy storage – all without meltdowns, because Snuggin never drops your baby’s favorite toy or pacifier. Want to parenting on easy mode? Click here to get your own Snuggin.
Whether you’re in an elevator , walking down the neighborhood sidewalk, or sitting quietly in your office at work – the advice and resources for expecting parents and parents of newborns seems overwhelming. We certainly can empathize having been there ourselves – but just remember, no matter what, whether using our suggested sites or not, you’re never alone!